Our Story

Wild Alaska Travel developed into a thriving business based on owner, Laurent Dick’s, deep love of wild places and his passion for sharing the grandeur of the landscape and its people with select visitors.

Laurent offers to his Wild Alaska Travel guests more than 25 years of firsthand experience as professional photographer, published author and wilderness guide throughout Alaska, from guiding sea kayaking trips in Prince William Sound, to leading mountaineering expeditions to the summit of Denali (Mount McKinley), to guiding polar bear expeditions along Alaska’s Arctic Coast.

Wild Alaska Travel evolved out of a very personal involvement with the Alaska tourism industry. “I worked as a wilderness guide for a number of small tour operators (learned many good lessons) as well as a public speaker for a large tourism corporation, speaking to large cruise ship audiences about my mountaineering ascents on Denali (Mount McKinley).

During these years as public speaker, I met many visitors to Alaska who were yearning for a deeper personal connection with the land and its people, away from the beaten mass tourism paths. The visitors I met also expressed a real desire to experience the magic of winter in Alaska, with its iconic northern lights displays and see the huskies they met during the summer in action on the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, Alaska’s #1 winter event.

From these conversations grew my desire to create authentic, experiential tours where you can

Experience the real Alaska they always dreamed about
Be fellow traveler and not just a tourist
Go places where most others tours don’t go
Travel in a small group (we never take more than twelve people, often just five or six)

So in 2011, I founded Wild Alaska Travel. Since then, I have refined our tour offerings and emerged as a leader in Alaska small group travel, providing once in a lifetime experiences to guests from around the world.

– Laurent Dick, Anchorage, Alaska –